The Unheard Of: Part 1

“Okay, so why are we here?” Finn turned to Echo and arched a brow.

It’s been a few weeks since Echo made her choice with Savia. Echo has been in super mode! Studying to graduate from high school sooner, trying to do research to find the real Savia, and training to defend herself. 

Today, Echo brought Finn to a more secluded area of the woods to do a different form of training. “I need someone to make sure I don’t get severely hurt, and you were the nearest available.” She explained as she removed a bag from her shoulder. Pulling out potion vials. Finn walked over to read them.

“Disguise Potion. Freeze Potion...what training is this?” Finn asks, arching a brow. Echo sighs and pulls out the remaining potions.

“I need to know what all of these are capable of so I know how to best use them. Just using potions that I haven’t tested isn’t smart and could get me killed. Or others.” Echo tells him. “I have ten potions here, all these are untested so far.”

“Alright, what do you want to start with?” Finn asked.

“Funny. I was expecting more of a ‘It’s too dangerous!’ reply.” Echo commented, then picked up the Freeze Potion. “This seems like a good place to start.” She replied before finding a tree to toss it at. Echo backed up a bit and threw the potion. It shattered on the base of the tree, instantly sending the liquid all over it. Quickly the liquid froze, coating the tree in a patch of ice. Echo walked over, carefully poking the ice with a stick. When it caused no freeze damage to the stick, Echo touched it with her hand. “It’s not unfreezing from body warmth. Can you see if you can burn it?” She asked Finn and looked over to him.

Finn walked over, creating a small fireball in his hand and held it to the ice. It took several moments before it started to melt. Echo nods. “It’s about a minute of solid freeze, depending on what you’re up against.” He tells her.

“Good.” She nods and picks up another on. This time, after reading the label, she opens the lid. “Take a small sip.” She holds it out to him.

“What is it?” He asks, trying to read the label, but it was in a language he doesn’t know.

“It’s basically a truth potion. The inscription wasn’t in English, I think it was Welsh. I translated it the best I could. Sounds like it opens your heart's inner truths. Now sip.” Echo instructed, holding it up to his mouth. He sniffed the substance and made a face. He took a decent sip and then they heard rustling in the bushes. "Get behind me." Echo instructed, but didn't give him the chance before stepping in front of him. But her need for attack was unnecessary as Nuvua walked out.

“Oh, it’s just you two.” Nuvua said, her eyes on Finn and sure to avoid looking at Echo all together. For now at least. “I smelled magic. What are you two doing?”

“Potion practice.” Finn responded.

“Oh, truth potion must have kicked in.” Echo responded happily.

“Truth potion? Did you drink any?” Nuvua asked.

“I think it would only be fair if you did.” Finn replied. “There’s enough left.”

Echo looks at the vial. “There’s enough left for all of us. Want in?”

Nuvua then finally looked at her and then the vial. “No, I’m good.”

“Why? Have something to hide? OW!” Finn winced as Echo elbowed him roughly. “I was kidding.”

“You know what, sure. I’ll try that. After you drink, Echo.” Nuvua said. Echo gave a shrug and drank from the vial too. Being sure to leave some for Nuvua before handing it over. Nuvua looked at it a moment and then drank down the rest. 

“Great. So I guess now we can ask questions.” Echo replied. “Let’s ask questions we already know the answer to and try to lie. To be sure it really is working.”

Nuvua nods. “Did I used to be a bear?”

Finn tried to lie and it worked with ease. “Nope...huh, guess it doesn’t work. Here Echo, you try. Are my eyes red?”

“Yes.” Echo frowned a bit. “I can lie too.”

“So it was a dud?” Nuvua asked. “Brilliant.”

“Not necessarily.” Finn replied then grabbed the empty bottle again. “Echo you said this pulls out the heart’s inner truths, right? Maybe we just aren’t digging deep enough.”

“Maybe. Okay, ask me something personal.” Echo told them. Nuvua opened her mouth, but closed it back. The Finn spoke up.

“I’ve got one. Why do you believe it is so important to get Savia her soul back?” He asks her.

“It isn’t about Savia. It’s about what’s right.” Echo tells him.

“Yes, but you’re more insistent about this than anything else. What is it really about for you?” He tries to word better.

“I...I don’t know.” She replied, sounding slightly frustrated by the question. “’s….” There was a small beat and then- the oddest thing happened. Echo started singing….

“Like a small boat, on the ocean. Sending big waves into motion. Like how a single word, could make a heart open. I might only have one match, but I can make an explosion.”

At this point Finn and Nuvua watched with gapped jaws, but Echo was not quite done.

“And all of those things I didn’t say, wrecking balls inside my brain. I will scream them loud tonight. Can you hear my voice this time?” Echo smiled. Then she felt dance moves coming to her and began dancing and singing. “This is my fight song, take back my life song! Prove I’m alright song. My power’s turned on, starting right now I’ll be strong. I’ll play my fight song, and I don’t really care if nobody else believes. Because I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me.”

The song ended and Echo laughed, they all laughed. Echo moved her dark hair from her face and smiled. “I...that felt so refreshing. I ease.”

“Like a weight has been lifted?” Finn asks. “I think I understand. Standing up for Savia is helping you, helping you feel like you’re fighting for yourself. I can respect that.”

“That looked amazing. But why songs?” Nuvua asked, curiously. 

“Well, songs are pure. They’re honest. They’re...beautiful.” Echo nods. “At least, that’s my guess. Okay, you’re turn” Echo paused a second. The only personal thing she could think of...was them. Without even really giving it much thought, she just blurted out her question. “Do you still love me?”

Nuvua gave her a look. “I..I’m married now. You can’t ask me that!..I...I..” The feeling then took Nuvua over as well.

“You don’t care, you never did. You don’t give a damn about me…how is it you never notice that you are slowly killing me?” She paused and looked away. “I hate you, I love you. I hate that I love you. Don’t want to, but I can’t put nobody else above you…” Nuvua came to a close and Echo took a step back.

“I...I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” Echo said and Nuvua simply ignored her.

“You’re turn Finn. You’re very reserved and quick to pull away. Why is that?” Nuvua just wanted to keep going and pretend her song didn’t happen.

Finn chuckles and shakes his head. “That is complicated.”

He stated. Then his mouth reopened to let his inner truth out. “My secret side I keep, hid under lock and key, I keep it caged, but I can’t control it. ‘Cause if I let him out, he’ll tear me up, break me down. Why won’t somebody come and save me from this...make it end!” 

Echo frowned as she listened to his song. Sadly watching as he continued. “I feel it deep within, it’s just beneath the skin. I must confess that I feel like a monster. I hate what I’ve become, the nightmare’s just begun. I must confess that I feel like a monster! I, I-” But Echo couldn’t listen anymore, she tugged on his arm like a child.

“Finn, stop!’s okay. It’s okay.” She then turned to Nuvua. “You could have just asked me another one. You didn’t need to make him relive that. Perhaps you should just go…”

“How long until the potion wears off?” Nuvua asks.

“A few hours.” Echo replied. Nuvua nodded and ran off into the woods. Echo then turned back to her brother. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah...I’m fine. Thank you.” He nods. “Next potion?”

“I think I’m done with potions for today. And I have to do some shopping for Gran. Go visit with her. She misses you.” Echo tells him.

Finn nods. “Yeah. I’ll do that. See you in a bit?”

“Yeah.” Echo nods. “I’ll be back soon.” She starts cleaning up the potions she had with her. Finn teleported back home. Once he was gone, Echo sat down on a fallen log. “That didn’t go as planned.” She tells herself. Her mind drifts to Nuvua’s song. Nuvua does still have feelings for Echo.’s too late now.

Then Echo starts singing again. “Same bed, but it feels a little bit bigger now. Our song on the radio but it don’t sound the same. When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down. ‘Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name.”

“It all just sounds like ooo, ooo, ooo, hoo. Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize that I should have bought you flowers. And held your hand. Should have gave you all my hours, when I had the chance. Takes you to every party, ‘cause all you wanted to do was dance. Now my baby’s dancing, but she is dancing with another man…” Echo finished and sighed. Feeling that uplifting feeling wash over her again. Though it upsets her, she was glad to let the truth out.

Meanwhile, Nuvua had made it back to the spot she was. She had left her pregnancy test there while it calculated her results. As she approached it and saw what it said, the girl froze. She slowly bent down and picked it up with a shaky hand. It was positive. They were going home!

Her eyes widen and she takes off back for their camp. “Toklo! Toklo!” She called.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” He came rushing to her and Nuvua shook her head with a smile.

“Nothing is wrong!” She declared. “Look!” Nuvua showed him the positive test. 

He just looked confused. “I don’t understand. What is this device?”

Nuvua went to reply, but her voice came out in a song. “Got a secret, can you keep it? Swear this one you’ll save. Better lock it in your pocket, takin’ this one to the grave. If I show you then I know you won’t tell what I said. ‘Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.”

Toklo gave an amused look. “I don’t understand.”

“This is our hope and prayer! I’m pregnant!” She said gleefully. “I will have to check with the doctor to be sure...but we can’t tell anyone. Not a soul, except for us, can know. I don’t want Echo finding out. I don’t want to be knocked off of our path.”

Toklo nods his head. “Wise. I shall take it to the grave, as you sang.” He replies with a chuckle. She gives him a nudge and then just smiles. “We’re going home, Nuvua.”

“We’re going home.” She repeats with a happy nod.

“Are you sure we should keep it a secret? Your friends could help us get home.” He insisted.

“No!” Nuvua shakes her head. “I don’t want them to know. It isn’t their business. And they aren’t my friends...not anymore.” She frowns and starts to pack her things.

"What are you doing? You haven't gone to the hospital for a real test. The great spirits will know the difference." He tells her.

"Don't instruct me on that. Everything we've done has been for this. For them. I'm just getting a headstart. I want to go home."

Toklo nods his head. “As do I, but they could help us.”

“Help us?! Do you not remember what they have done? Just upon being here Echo has managed to protect and save a murderer!” Nuvua shakes her head.

“But Finn did not.” Toklo pointed out. “I just mean that we don’t have any real magic, they do. They could be able to help.”

“No. The answer is no!” Nuvua argued, not having any of it right now. She can’t handle the thought of all of this right now. Yes, she is ready to go back for good! she ready to be a mom? No she is not. She’s not even seventeen yet! Toklo doesn’t feel like arguing anymore.

He gives her a nod. “Alright...I’ll go collect some more water.” Toklo tells her before grabbing the pails, heading out for water. Nuvua just kept putting things into a bag.

After he was gone, Nuvua sighed. This wasn’t his fault, she knows it isn’t right to take it out on him. She’s just...scared. Her eyes find their way back to the pregnancy test. She picks it up as she looks at it. Her mind drifting from being a mother to what she told Echo.

Echo, this was all because of her...Echo is the reason Nuvua fell so far from her original path! The reason Nuvua is with someone when she wants to be with someone else….

Nuvua tossed the pregnancy test away from her and sat down on the ground. Then, once again, she began singing. “Who do you think you are? Did take so long just to feel alright. Remember how to put back the light in my eyes. I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed, 'cause you broke all your promises! And now you're back. You don't get to get me back! And who do you think you are? Runnin' 'round leaving scars, collecting your jar of hearts, and tearing love apart! You're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul. Don't come back for me, don't come back at all! And who do you think you are?” She sighed and put her hand on the back of her head, massaging her hair out with her fingers.

What Nuvua didn’t know was Echo had gone to see her to apologize formally for asking the question she asked, and for upsetting her.

Echo was outside the tent after Toklo had left to collect some water. She was there just in time to hear Nuvua’s song.

Echo frowned in sadness as she realized Nuvua may love Echo, but she isn’t in love with Echo anymore. Instead of knocking, she silently walked away. Once out of hearing range, Echo began running. She stopped when she reached the shore line at the beach. The chilled water covered over her sneakers and drenched them, and her socks! But Echo didn’t care, her mind was conflicted. She couldn’t think! But she could sing!

“I can hold my breath. I can bite my tongue. I can stay awake for days, if that's what you want, be your number one.I can fake a smile. I can force a laugh. I can dance and play the part, if that's what you ask, give you all I am. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it!” Echo took a deep breath as she looked around and let her voice crescendo! “But I'm only human, and I bleed when I fall down! I'm only human, and I crash and I break down. Your words in my head, knives in my heart, you build me up and then I fall apart. 'Cause I'm only human, yeah…” Her voice then decrescendo’d and she got to thinking again. She can’t make Nuvua be with her. She can’t force Nuvua to see a different path. Last time Echo did that, she lost her.

Nuvua moved on, clearly, Echo needs to. Echo deserves too! She can’t be held responsible for trying to do what was right! So another song very quickly took root. “You weren't there, you never were. You want it all, but that's not fair. I gave you love, I gave my all, you weren't there! You let me fall! So, so what? I'm still a rock star! I got my rock moves, and I don't need you! And guess what, I'm having more fun! And now that we're done, I'm gonna show you tonight I'm alright, I'm just fine! And you're a tool, so, so what? I am a rock star, I got my rock moves, and I don't want you tonight!”

To say the song didn’t make Echo feel better would have been a lie. She felt great! So much relief and relaxation just washed over her. She had managed to spring and dance in the ocean waves. Making her soaking wet, luckily nothing in her pockets could be ruined by water. When she snapped out of the song, she moved away from the water. She sat on the sand and watched the waves for a while. Deciding to just stay out here until this potion wore off.

Finn had returned home when Echo had asked. Taking a few moments to be with his Gran. They made a snack and sat down to eat and talk.

“Your sister worries for you, you know?” Gran asks him after finishing what was on her plate.

“Yes.” Finn replies with a small chuckle. “She worries about everyone.”

“You know what I mean, Finnley.” She told him with a slight sternness in her voice. He wiped the amused look off his face and sat up with the nod of his head.

“Of course, sorry Gran.” Finn was a smartass but he knew when Gran said ‘Finnley’, it was time to shut up and listen!

Gran smiled and returned the nod. “She does worry about everyone, that is true, but you have always held a special worry when it comes to her. You two are linked, she feels more about you than you know. Why do you think she wants your help?”

“To keep an eye on me?” He asks, literally just guessing.

“Yes…” Gran paused. “And no. You two are stronger together. Remember that?”

“Yes, I remember…” Finn sighed. “I don’t think she wants my help. I think she has something she wants to prove. To herself, to us. I’m not sure about that part. And I don’t think I can help her with that.”

“Then why help her this morning? So she doesn’t get hurt, right?” Gran asked, to which Finn nods. “That little bit, even though it was just to be sure she was safe, is called support. That’s what she wants, her brother. To be there, to be supportive. To be sure she always comes home.”

Finn was silent a moment, then nodded. It made perfect sense, everyone wants to feel like someone is backing their corner. This wasn’t about if Echo is right or wrong about the kid. It’s about making sure she comes back. He doesn’t agree with or believe in his sister’s mission, he sees it as suicide. But at least, if he is helping, he can get her out of there before it comes to all of that. He can make sure she comes home! How did that not hit him before now?! He quickly got off his seat to give his grandmother a tight hug. “Thank you, Gran, your wisdom grows above all heights! I have to find Echo and sing to her!”

“Um...alright. I mean, you could just speak to her…” Gran stated in the utmost confusion and with a brow slightly raised.

Finn chuckles and shakes his head. "Probably not. It's a potion and a long story."

"You two at it again. Keep each other out of trouble." Gran abvies.

He have a simple nod. "And come home." Finn meant it as more of a statement.

"You both had better. There's nothing more important than family." She told him.

He smiles. "You're absolutely right." With that, he took his leave. Teleporting to the woods where he had left Echo. He quickly realized it would appear that his sister had gone.

He checked around nearby, calling her aname and waiting to see if he could find her, but Finn could tell she was no longer in the woods. So Finn walked around until he moved out of the woods. His walk took him down the main street. Finn checked where she worked and then the library. She was at neither. So he walked on, checking the store and Granny's. No sign of her at them either.

Finn then would head to the beach, of course she was at the last place he looked! He rushed over to her, sitting beside her on the sand. "You look upset."

"Why do you say that?" Echo asked.

"It's been the right day for that. And you only come out here when you have something on your mind." Finn replies with a nod. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Not anymore. I sang a mash up. You just missed it." Echo told him. "so i know why I'm out here, why are you?"

"I was looking for you. I talked to Gran and she made a lot of sense." He tells her.

Echo curiously glances her head towards her brother. "Really? Not surprising. About what?"

"Well, about you and your mission. Why it means so much to you. And why I have to be there, by your side." He tells her.

Echo sat, stunned for a moment. "I...what are you saying?" She blinked in surprise and confusion. Then Finn grins as the song in him rose, standing to his feet and helping Echo up as well.

Then he began singing, Echo understanding immediately! "Falling too fast to prepare for this. Tripping in the world could be dangerous. Everybody circling, it's vulturous, Negative, nepotist. Everybody waiting for the fall of man. Everybody praying for the end of times. Everybody hoping they could be the one. I was born to run, I was born for this! Whip, whip, Run me like a racehorse. Pull me like a ripcord, Break me down and build me up. I wanna be the slip, slip. Word upon your lip, lip. Letter that you rip, rip. Break me down and build me up, Whatever it takes. 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins. I do whatever it takes! 'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains. Whatever it takes! You take me to the top I'm ready for Whatever it takes! 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins. I do what it takes. Always had a fear of being typical. Looking at my body feeling miserable. Always hanging on to the visual, I wanna be invisible. Looking at my years like a martyrdom. Everybody needs to be a part of 'em. Never be enough, I'm the prodigal son. I was born to run, I was born for this! Whip, whip! Run me like a racehorse. Pull me like a ripcord, Break me down and build me up. I wanna be the slip, slip word upon your lip, lip, letter that you rip, rip, Break me down and build me up."

There was a small pause and the twins began singing together. Dancing as they marked themselves a team for whatever fight was heading their way! "Whatever it takes! 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins. I do whatever it takes. 'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains. Whatever it takes. You take me to the top, I'm ready for Whatever it takes! 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins. I do what-" But the twins were stopped by a sudden phone call.

It was the phone in Finn's pocket. He pulled it out and looked confused. "It's the hospital…"

"Answer it. Oh! Maybe Liv went into labor!" Echo said excitedly. Finn answered the phone...but his face didn't show excitement.

His face showed sadness and fear. "I...I understand. We'll be there soon. Thank you." His words were soft as he hung up.

Echo looked worried and confused. Her brother's silence was not helping. "What? What's wrong? Talk to me."

He looks at her and shakes his head. "'s Gran…"

Echo looked at him with wide eyes. "What about her?"

….To Be Continued!

((To join in on the musical experience, these are the recommended listening material:

°Fight song cover by Bri Heart

°I hate u I love u cover by Jodie Mellor

°Monster by skillet

°When i was your girl cover by Mo Rivas

°Secret cover by Nadia Ellewood

°Jar of hearts cover by Maddi Jane

°Human cover by Danielle Bradbery

°So What cover by Greenhouse Visions

°Whatever it takes cover by Chris Kelly and Nicole Gibson ))


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