The Unheard Of: Part 5

ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ reached her hand out and grasped Destiny's. The two faded away in a swirl of bright lights.

The bright lights themselves faded as they appeared in a frozen field. She let go of Des and looked around. "I..this wasn't what I was expecting…"

"You were expecting a pearly gate and people flying around on clouds? Sorry, we work for the universe. We may be angels but we aren't that kind. This is projected from you, you see what felt comfortable to you in life when you had a task to do."

"Is that why we're here? I have a task to do?"  ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ asked.

"Yes..and no. This is where I will train you, teach you the basics of what you need to know. Then I will send you back to your family." Des explains. "I expect you to have your family as charges for a while, but just because you are sent back doesn't mean you aren't still at work."

"Okay, so what rules will I have to follow?" ᎷᏋᏝ asks.

"That is a very good question. There are rules, you probably won't enjoy them, but following them is a must." Des tells her. "Rule #1, no violence. The only time violence is tolerated is to protect your charges. You are there to protect, not to harm."

"You're right, I already don't like these rules." ᎷᏋᏝ groans a bit, but nods. "Fine. What else?"

"Rule #2, when you're called you drop everything and come. The only exception is protecting your charges. That will get you out of most of these rules." Des tells her.

"I'm picking up on that. So what do these rules say about sex? Because I do still have a wife and if you think that won't still be happening, you have another thing coming." ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ said pointedly.

"No, no, that is fine. You're married, that makes it okay." Des nods as ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ gives a sigh of relief. "Alright, Rule #3, no flying in the public eye. As long as no one can see you're fine, but if there is a chance someone can see: Don't! Which also means you'll have to keep your wings hidden in public, you can do as you wish in private though."

"Wait, I have- holy safety! That is amazing!" ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ Looked over her shoulder to a large set of white feathered wings. She then paused. "Did I just say 'holy safety'?"

"You did, yes. Rule #4, no profanity. You represent a holy image and must present yourself as such. If you can't filter that yourself, your powers will do so for you." Des tells her with a nod. "It's annoying, but you'll get used to that."

"Ugh, fine. Wait...I'm blonde again? Just wonderful. Okay, anything else?" ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ asked pushing her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Three actually. Rule #5, no murder. If you have time to kill to protect your charges, you have time to get them out of there. Get them out of danger instead of becoming a danger yourself." Des then nods slowly. "Which brings us to Rule #6, Do not let your charges die! You are here to do that job, if you cannot do it, you won't remain in this job."

"Well, my charges are my children, so of course. I won't let that happen." ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ shook her head. "I'd sooner die first."

"You did die, ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ. Fun fact, you can't be killed now. You're already dead. You can be hurt, however." Des tells her.

"Okay, so that leaves Rule #7. What is Rule #7?" ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ asked with an arched brow.

"You cannot bring anyone, even charges, here that is not an angel. It is not open for debate or compromise." She said in a very serious tone. "Doing so would resolt in instant termination of position and damnation."

"So...if I break that rule I'm fired and going straight to Hades?" ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ asks to clarify.

"Correct. This place is not to been by anyone else's eyes." Des nods. "Those are the main 7 rules. Others are just made as you go. Now, aside from rules, you have some new powers. Before I can return you there, you must have the main ones mastered. Which is everything except for flying."

"Why not flying?" ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ asked confused.

"Flying emotional journey. Everyone learns at their own time, you will too." Des nods. "We shall begin your first lesson. Immediately."

Destiny completely meant it. She began an intense training course. Teaching ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ all of her new powers. To heal was first.

ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ was not only taught how to use it, but who to use it on. As a given, it will always work on her charges. She will always be able to heal them, no matter the creature. Humans are also easy to heal, whether it is a charge or not. Their bodies are simple to heal. Other creatures? Those are more complicated & often require a lot of energy, and that is still no guarantee it will be enough.

Once ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ had it mostly worked out, they moved on. Next she had to master what Destiny called 'phasing'. The angels she works with have the ability to exist in the human realm but hide themselves in a parrelle realm. A realm they can seen by people who see beyond the normal. People that can see past what you're shown. Making them unseen to most humans and basic creatures. It was a way to help protect while hiding magic to the public. This one took what felt like days for ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ to master. Sometimes it would simply not work, nothing would happen. Other times ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ would get in but have troubling getting out. Or she would get out and have a hard time getting back in. Once she figured it out, she could do it with ease. Phasing in and out of the realm, it was like teleporting. Only she got to remain in one place.

After that was mastered, ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ had to learn to hide her wings and bring them forward. This task ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ compared to when she would summon her tail or feet. It didn't take long at all. Once she mastered it, she kept them tucked away. Until she learned to fly she doesn't believe she will need them.

Finally, ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ is taught how to guide without being seen. Destiny called this 'guiding'. Through phasing, ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ has the ability to whisper in her charges ear. Helping them know the best path for them to take. They won't see her or even realize they are listening. Des set up a form of a stimulation for her, & ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ gave it several tries until it worked. She found the best way to do it was to warn about danger and the best way to avoid it. ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ had mastered all of what Destiny had to show her.

Those are about all she has as powers now, but they are all she needs to guide and protect. Which is the whole point. To ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ it feels as though days, weeks had passed. She missed her family so much. Did they know what was going on? How was Liv holding up? How are their children?

Luckily the day finally arrived. Des was ready to send ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ home. "You've done well and worked very hard. Quickest study I have had thus far." Des told ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ. "So, I can send you back now."

"Really?" ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ lit up, it was like Des had read her mind. "How long has it been for them? Since my passing."

"Hm..about 24 hours, I believe." Des told her.

"24 hours???? But it's been several weeks!" She pointed out.

"No, it hasn't. Not for them, anyway. Time moves differently in each angel realm. Some are faster, some are slower. Here it moves slower, so it's been about a day there." Des explains. "You haven't missed much of anything, are you ready to go?"

"Yes." ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ replied without hesitation. "I'm ready."

"Excellent. Be mindful of the 7 rules, use whatever power you need for your job, and just be happy." Des tells her with a smile. With a simple wave of her hand, ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ was surrounded with bright lights and quickly sent back home.

She emerged in the graveyard, not because her body may be there. Graveyards are doors between the dead and living. ᎷᏋᏝ made sure her wings were tucked away, and was about to run back home. But was stopped by Finn and Echo. The twins smiled and rushed to hug her.

"Destiny was telling the truth." Finna declared.

"You're really back." Echo said happily.

"Yeah, I'm back. Is Liv at home with the girls? I need to get there immediately." ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ told them and they nodded in understanding. The twins kept the high going and teleported outside of the house. once there, they let go.

"Welcome back, ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ." Finn told her.

"We're glad you're okay." Echo said before taking Finn's hand and teleporting away.

ᎷᏋᏝᎾᎠᎩ smiled, then turned to the door. "Okay...let's do this."


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